Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Original Writing Essay

As she lay there silently on her back, staring deeply into the intricate yet excruciatingly dull pattern on the textured ceiling- as if it were a piece of fine, overpriced artwork, she let her thought processes wander over exhausted terrain. She thought of life, of death, of love, of hate, of god†¦ and everything along the way. What was it all for? She began to scribble a few notes down on a piece of paper in front of her. Her mind began to flutter from one feeling to the next. â€Å"I’m reading all the time of hate and anger and frustration. I’m hearing nothing but the pain of others. I see the agony of all around me. And I have felt it, breathed it, been engulfed by it. I understand the need to vent, to get it all out. But I realise now that I can no longer accept it. Blood is on the minds of millions of innocent children, searching for an answer to this emptiness that harbours our death wish. We hold, in our hand, the power to steal†¦ but nothing is taken without payment. Give and take, live and let live. No harm done, no penalty. Even the most gentle of beings get judged by the monster. This is no dragon, no giant; this is a group, a society, a network. This monster is sacrificing the happiness of the innocent for suicide. This monster is killing off what may be our last chance. Children beaten down and left to bleed and to cry, they are screaming but no one cares, no one sees them. They are irrelevant, theses children are†¦ they are the children of you and yours and people you know. They are outcasts these children are. They are banned from beliefs of any sort of rebellion or belief in other gods. But these children need no god. These children worship themselves. They are good and are portrayed as evil, yet they are shunned and thrown away. Put on display for window shoppers to point and stare and mock. These children are not different, they are not unique. The children are minions banned together to have their freedom. They are slaves to the system. Their innocence is overlooked but ignorant bystanders and administrators. These children are against everything, against god, against the devil, against you, against me. They refuse to worship the nine inch nails of your so called â€Å"Christ†. You will never win! The children will persevere. The children will run free. You will die someday. They will to. They know that in the end we are all alone and you’ve spent your lives convinced that there is always someone looking out for you and your heretic children. These children know better than you. These children know fate. They know yours and you can sense it. They can smell the fear in your shattered voice. They can smell failure. The innocent children have a blood lust and a hit list†¦ I guess this means you will die. Too bad we couldn’t save you from the innocent children†¦ they killed us too. We are locked inside our minds and we are rotting here now† ‘Everything dies’ she thought, but she still hadn’t figured out how to truly live yet. Would her life come to an end before she even knew the answers to all of her questions? It seemed meaningless. Everything seemed that way lately. Her life had become a painful cycle of the same boring events, day after everlasting day. Her friends had begun to slowly detach themselves from her, and it made her question herself. She’d been gone for so long when she moved away, and her world felt wonderful when she had returned to her home, and the people she had taken advantage of before. They’d all seemed glad to see her, and she’d never felt so important. She fell back into her circle of friends and remembered all that she had walked away from. She was happy again, and that was good. One day, it was like the world had shifted suddenly and everything changed. People stopped talking to her. They no longer came by at all odd hours of the night bearing gifts and happy drug-induced smiles. Distancing them. Maybe they all finally came to the conclusion that they hadn’t been missing much after all. People tend to romanticize things to a definite fault, and when they realize they’ve set themselves up for disappointment, they don’t always realize that they themselves are not the only ones being affected by their great epiphany. They sometimes forget the person in the middle of it all, maybe even unintentionally, but without even thinking twice†¦ She asked herself what she possibly could have done to turn them away so suddenly. Was it just her character in general? Were some mindless beings getting rushes of power by spreading dirty lies about her as their new form of narrow-minded offence? Were they sick of her already? The fact that she found herself with so few people left to talk to wasn’t what bothered her. It was the fact that she was entirely oblivious to the cause of all of this landfill that made her question herself over and over again. The more she thought about it, the wider the possibility grew that they had never really enjoyed her company in the first place; it was all a terrible charade. She hated that she could be that person that people associated themselves with for mere lack of anything at all better to do. Was she that person that they all talked about in her absence, like she had seen them do to others in times passed? Did they avoid her when they saw her in the streets? Were they all ‘two-faced’ after all? Again, her reasoning began to shift. She wanted no part in any kind of comradeship with a person too shallow to tell her to ‘go away’ in person. She felt, she knew she was better off by herself. Somehow she felt more at ease in her own company anymore. She’d learned a lot about people in the years prior, and it sickened her to think about what humanity has come down to, how meaningless people have become. She honestly didn’t mind not having friends. Of course friends are wonderful to have, but she had found that she became more herself everyday she spent alone, and she liked that. She had come to the abrupt realization long ago that people really aren’t worth much anymore; definitely not worth wasting your days trying to change or analyze, or even hold a civil open conversation with, for that matter. And again, it all comes back around to the irrelevance of everything. Why had she just wasted her time thinking about these people that she doesn’t even like to surround herself with anymore? Since she’d returned, everything had changed so dramatically. Her friends were not the same people they had been three years ago, and they never would be again. She knew she could do nothing, and had accepted this fact, but it lingered painfully in the back of the bedlam of a mind she possessed. She wished for simpler times. She began to let her mind jump to other things. She’d tired herself of pondering anything even remotely related her connections with other people, and had come to the conclusion that she was indifferent on the matter. She really couldn’t bring herself to care much anymore. If someone desired to speak with her, they’d approach her, and she would listen, but making any sort of an effort to please another person seemed ridiculous to her – Meaningless. The past three hours had been meaningless, and so were the thoughts she had spent that time thinking. And now, so were the people that had provoked these very thoughts.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

English Rhetoric Essay

I find it really rewarding to be in the medical practice. Choosing to care for patients, for people who are unable to take care of themselves or lack the knowledge on how to get over their own sickness is something that nurses can be proud of. To care for someone you don’t even know is a profession that is suppose to encourage people to join in medical profession. To ease the pain of cancer patients should serve as an incentive for nurses to help them combat such disease. However, in the 1report released by the America’s AIDS Commission, nursing shortfall points to the state’s funding failure. The report is trying to point out that there has been financial deficiency in nursing education which is the reason why the state is somehow hard up in combating the AIDS epidemic. The report which says’ â€Å"federal funding for nursing education has remained constant instead of increasing†, and â€Å"financial aid for nursing education is a patchwork for scholarships†¦Ã¢â‚¬  seem to be less reliable. There were no data to support the statement. There were no survey results, no research and study figures to prove that the state’s funding failure is the main reason for the continuing decline of the supply of nurses. The report failed to look into the other reasons for the shortfall-cultural and social issues could be reasons. It could be that the younger generation of America is more interested in careers related to finance and marketing. It could be that the entertainment and tourism industry has better advertising technique in encouraging students to be part of the profession. Yes, financial concerns could have been a factor but to prove it right, there should be figures to support the argument.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   With regards to the nurses’ knowledge and skills on the care for AIDS patients, the same article, â€Å"AIDS Update†, points to the need of nurses of 2â€Å"continued updating about the disease.† The report made its point-adequate information and continued education about AIDS. It is just that the recommendations seem to be redundant to get to the main point. The first recommendation says â€Å"the health care community mount a coordinated effort to ensure that all its members are adequately informed about AIDS†. The other recommendations call for the health care providers, professional organizations, hospitals and other health care facilities and nursing organizations. If the reader has to analyze the statements, they could be sum up into the first recommendation, thus seemingly made one recommendation. If the author is trying to point out there are many ways as solutions to what they call â€Å"knowledge gap†, I found only one base on my analysis on the article.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the article entitled â€Å"Patient Teaching: Food Safety Tips†, a July issue of the Nursing Journal, I found a simple yet practical food safety tips for AIDS Patients. The tips are presented on the nurses’ perspective but point to the do-it-yourself instructions for patients. Instructional materials must as clear and concise as this one. The patients themselves can understand and follow the instructions with the nurse’ minimal supervision. This way, the AIDS patients are encouraged to care for themselves. Their morale and self-esteem could at least be lifted because they will realize that they can do something to fight against their disease. They could at least prove that they are not that of much burden to their nurses since there are things that they can do for themselves. What was so striking in this article is that the author has paid attention to the anticipated questions of the reader. The use of the if–and-then sentences has been used to answer such anticipated questions. The use of the word â€Å"should† on every instruction was so important to denote that such action is required. It also means that the instructions offer no alternatives to it. Also, that it must be followed to the least detail, no more no less.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   AIDS patients and HIV positive individuals deserve care not only by their nurses and doctors but also from the community. In fact, they need extra care because of their special conditions. They are prone to emotional distress, frustrations and self-pity. They are more likely to be loners and hesitate to associate themselves with others. These are the reasons why they need support from the people around them. This is the only way they can have the courage to go on with their lives. It helps when someone in the group of these patients go out into the world to campaign for support and to disseminate information about the disease. It matters to people that facts would come from someone who have experienced or is experiencing the same disease. If a well-known or respected individual speaks of AIDS, he could somehow catch attention and his testimony could somehow be credible to people. When Earvin Johnson decided to be part of this campaign, there arouse certain level of energy from the victims. Solomon Herbert said, 3â€Å"Johnson opted to retire from basketball†¦and decided to use this opportunity to help others rather than maintain a low profile about his condition.† Whether we like it or not, it is not common to person to strive for something without inspiration. It is but common to look up to somebody for role model, for inspiration. Johnson has won the hearts of many, not only the AIDS victims but also the possible victims-the younger generation. â€Å"I decided to do the book because education-especially for young people is our best weapon in the battle against AIDS† (Johnson). Helping is a matter of giving time and inspiration for the victims. Money doesn’t matter much, rather emotional investment is of much importance the way Johnson and the other did. Caring for AIDS victim doesn’t have to be in way that someone should not be in a way that they will feel that you pity them. Caring, like Johnson did, has to focus more on time. Like Johnson, investment has to be on emotional aspect, not on financial. Like Johnson who has shared his talents, his energy and love for others, AIDS victims and non-victims must have the spirit of sharing. It pays to invest more on love for others rather than for material investments for yourself because it investing on love is more profitable. Like Johnson, people have loved him not merely because of basketball but because of the heart he has for the young ones and the people, who like him is an AIDS victim. REFERENCES Herbert, Solomon J., Magic Johnson: He’s Got Heart, Black Collegian Sep/Oct92 Vol.23 Issue 1, page84, 5p, 2c A.I.D.S Update, More Nurses Needed, Says the President’s A.I.D.S. Commission, Nursing88, May Issue, pages 30-31 A.I.D.S. Update, Patient Teaching: Food Safety Tips, Nursing93, July issue, page 22

Communicating in the Workplace

Tasha Wright April 23, 2013 Assignment 1. 1 Complete assignment 1. 1 from Ch. 1 of Communicating in the Workplace. Choose two misunderstandings you experienced and fill out the chart for these. Respond to questions 1 and 2 shown under the chart for each example of a misunderstanding. In your response, include the following: * Cite a meaningful misunderstanding rather than a general or less material misunderstanding. * Use business- or work-related examples rather than personal ones. Identify the roles of the sender and receiver, such as manager, peer, subordinate, client, vendor, and so forth. Question| Misunderstanding One| Misunderstanding Two| Who was the sender? | My Co-worker | My Manager| Who was the receiver? | I was| I was| What was the message? | â€Å"Refill the ink toner in the mail room. †| â€Å"Make sure you open all tickets and provide your daily log assignments†. | What channel was used to sendthe message? | Via Email| | What was the misunderstandingthat occurred? There were three different ink toners and three machines located in the mail room. Sender didn’t state which Ink toner that was needed and machine. | The email was not specifying of which ticket to open in order to provide our daily log assignment. | How could the misunderstandinghave been avoided? | The sender could have specified informed the correct Ink toner and machine. | The message could have been clearer on which ticket to review. | 1. What did you learn about the communication process from this activity?Answer: When using communication via email, you have to make sure the details are informed, where, what, when. In via email you should have more clarification within the message to communicate better so that you can resolve the issue. 2. What seemed to be the main causes of the misunderstandings? Answer: The lack of information, if I haven’t asked questions the wrong ink toner would have been installed into the wrong machine and would have delayed pr ojects. To prevent misunderstanding in communication the body of the message should include details about the subject.

Monday, July 29, 2019

PC Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Diagnosis Research Paper

PC Maintenance, Troubleshooting and Diagnosis - Research Paper Example Considering this, it seemed to me that one fine morning when my PC crashes and I lose all my data, I would probably also lose my calm and I would be stranded alone in my room and I would do everything possible to have someone fix it as quickly as it can be fixed. This brought to me another argument, 'would I have to hire a professional for every time I lose data or have problems with my computer', which made me take an interest in troubleshooting, maintenance and diagnosis. I wanted to be able to deal with common issues I face with my PC, without having to rely on another person or spending a great deal of my money on the same, since nowadays virtually everything is available on the internet and moreover, it is free for anyone to take and make use of. So I struck me that with proper fishing of data around the net and following instructions correctly, I can pretty much come up with feasible solutions to any problem which might occur with my computer. I began to think of the most commo n and most frustrating issues that I have had with my PC and made a list of it. Going through the list, it became evident that, whatever the problem there is with my PC, I tend to worry most when those problems cause me to lose data, files or folders. I realized that several companies have even gone out of business after having lost vital files and data, which meant that preventing data loss was incontrovertibly an important part of maintenance. I found it ironic that the value of the hardware of my PC was insignificant as compared to the data that my PC contained and intended to learn to deal with it. It occurred to me that in order to be able to overcome data loss, I would first have to understand data loss, to understand why it occurs and learn to troubleshoot and diagnose the problem. I intended to find answers to †¢ What causes data loss? †¢ How I can protect drives and data †¢ How I can recover directory damage, FAT and critical information This study purports t o bring to light feasible and self-evaluable ways to identify, diagnose and make right some of the common and frequently occurring problems. Causes of data loss: Hardware and system failures are the leading cause for data failure, accounting for at least 44% of all data loss. (Bigelow, 2002). Electrical failures and improper shutting down, failures of drive circuitry or disk drive crashes can cause hardware failures, causing previously accessible data to be lost. Often, the drive may not be spinning, and we may hear rattling or scraping noises from the drive while booting. These failures can usually be prevented by humidity and temperature controlled environment, by installing a UPS. Critical data can be saved by using a redundant array of independent disks (RAID) which will mirror the disk drives, enabling us to recreate the lost data. It is important to keep the drive in a clean environment, and in the case of a drive failure, we must not operate the drive as it can exacerbate dat a loss, causing the drive to be corrupted further. Software recovery utilities are a completely bad procedure to resort to in the case of a drive failure as these utilities would run assuming the failed drive to be fully operational. Surprisingly, another important cause of data loss is human

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Trade and Maritime Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Trade and Maritime Law - Essay Example Carrier is deemed to be in charge of the goods at the time of receipt of goods to the time of delivery. Whereas the Hague-Visby Rules denotes the Scope of Coverage as an implication where it covers the period of time when the goods are loaded on the ship to the time they are discharged from the ship. ((Sundaram, 2004, pg 12) When the matter of Carriers' Covered is taken into consideration the Hamburg Rules covers carriers that conclude a contract of carriage of goods by sea or are named in a contract of carriage of goods by sea with a shipper. Also covers "actual carriers" which include any person entrusted by the carrier to perform all or part of the carriage of the goods. (Sundaram,2003, pg 29) Under the Hamburg Rules the carrier is liable for loss, damage, or delay in delivery of goods, if the loss occurred while the goods were under the carrier's charge, unless the carrier proves that he, his servant or agents took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the occurrence and its consequences (loss or damage). More over, in accordance to the Carrier Liability or Duty of Care rules of Hague-Visby Rules the carrier shall properly load, handle, stow, carry, keep, care for, and discharge the goods carried and supply ship. ((Sundaram,2004, pg 21) In the case of Carrier Defenses to Liability Hamburg Rules states that the carrier must prove that he, his servants or agent took all measures that could reasonably be required to avoid the occurrence and its consequences. Whereas under The Hague-Visby Rules the loss or damage resulting from: 1. Unseaworthiness (but the carrier must show that the unseaworthiness did not result from carrier's lack of due diligence); 2. Error in navigation or management of the ship; 3. Fire (unless

Saturday, July 27, 2019

RU486 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

RU486 - Essay Example The mechanism of action of RU486 is that it sensitizes the myometrium to prostaglandin-induced contractions and then softens and later dilates the cervix; the Gemeprost would then stimulate the uterus to contract and expel the fetus (Medic8 â€Å"Health Guide†). The drug is to be taken with precaution among asthmatics and among those with blood disorders or those taking anticoagulant medications (Medic8 â€Å"Health Guide†). This drug cannot be taken by smokers aged 35 years and above. Moreover, Aspirin and NSAIDS should be avoided while taking RU486 as it can increase bleeding (Medic8 â€Å"Health Guide†). It is contraindicated in uncontrolled severe asthma, suspected ectopic pregnancy, chronic adrenal failure, and porphyria (Medic8 â€Å"Health Guide†). Its side effects include nausea and vomiting, abdominal cramps, and possibly severe vaginal bleeding (Medic8 â€Å"Health Guide†). In case the abortion is not successful, it is advised that other means of abortion be applied in order to complete the abortive process (Medic8 â€Å"Health Guide†). Some of the issues with this drug are related to the fact that no actual testing has been performed on the drug before it has been released into the market. Apparently, the only testing which has been conducted on the product before 1988 was a test to determine dosage. Such tests did not resolve or address the drug safety in actual usage (MacDonald â€Å"RU486). Large scale testing of the drug has been conducted in France and in England and the reports reveal alarming results for women. Severe and violent side-effects on women have been seen after administration of this drug. These side-effects included nausea, headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and bleeding and the bleeding has been known to last up to 35 or 40 days with an average duration of 8 to 10 days; some women actually required blood transfusions after profuse bleeding following administration of this drug (MacDonald â€Å"RU 486†). Those who oppose the use of

Friday, July 26, 2019


DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES (DFC) - Essay Example The department’s yearly budget targets protection of over a hundred thousand youths while at the same time strengthening families around the commonwealth (Working at the Department of Children and Families, 2011). The paper will also focus at the type of work done at the department with the employees who are family centered, child driven, community focused, strength based, commitment to continuous learning as well as being committed to cultural/diversity competences. The paper will also discuss the various national and state policies that aim at preventing mistreatment of the children and preserving their rights. The American citizen as well as professionals associated with child health believes that parents have the responsibility of caring and nurturing their children while protecting them from harm. However, the state may be allowed to intervene in cases where the parents have failed to honor their duties and in cases of abuse. The children and family department aims at ensuring that children thrive and grow in a home environment that is nurturing. The approach sometime often entails making challenging and difficult decisions in which children are removed from their home environment and placed in environment that are more stable. The department is able to deal with numerous problems that affect children and their families such as abandonment, neglect and suspected child abuse. Such issues have raised concerns and the authorities have taken measures to stop them from happening in the community. The children and family departments have put in place various legislations with the intention of ensuring that people who suspects abuse of children have a mandate to report through telephone or any mean so that the children may be rescued and transferred to a better environment. One of the goals of the department is to stop neglect and child abuse. The department receives numerous reports of neglect and abuse of chi ldren

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Buying a home vs renting a home Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Buying a home vs renting a home - Research Paper Example Whether one decides to purchase or rent a place, a person has to be very smart to prevent any losses. However, if a person intends to stay for long, buying a house proves to be cheaper and better compared to renting a house. The issue of buying or renting a house is complex and there are many factors which affect ones choice and buying is a suitable option in cases where an individual wishes to stay for a long period at one place. Analyzing one’s current financial position and future prospects is perhaps the most important factor that impacts the decision of buying or renting a house. A person needs to think and act wisely before coming up with a conclusion. He must also know that whatever his decision is he should keep in mind the size of the place and the rent or cost which is asked for it. So, if he is looking forward to buying a house he will have to take mortgage into account and other expenditures which accompany it. When thinking about buying a place he should know that he is building equity. Furthermore, one should know what to do when property prices rise and when they lower. Hence, an awareness of the prevalent market rate is an excellent idea. And most importantly whether one rents or buys a place, he needs to keep in mind his financial situation and then make his decision (Quealy, and Archie np). Furthermore, other factors affecting the decision must also be considered. Some of these factors include how quickly the prices of houses rise and how fast the rents are going to rise in the future. Also one’s decision depends on how long he plans to stay in the house which he is willing to rent out. In order to make a decision, quite a lot depends on the customer comparing the prices of the rent and that of the cost of actually buying the house. Ideally, if he intends to stay in the same house for more than 6 years, it is advisable to buy a property instead of

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Case week 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Case week 2 - Essay Example U.S. companies justify this trend by indicating that it reduces their costs which in the end, makes them more competitive globally. The country that benefits from the outsourcing of skilled white-collar jobs to developing nations are the developing nations because it provides employment to their people. The losers are the other skilled white-collar workers in the rich nations because they will find difficulty in looking for a job since it was outsourced from other countries who have a much lower labor cost. These white-collars workers in the rich country may either be out of job or will be forced to accept a job which offers a lower rate just to remain competitive. Opponents of outsourcing claim that â€Å"the loss of competitive advantage to other countries is permanent and the American worker and economy lose forever (Saleem, 2008). Yes, the United States will suffer from the loss of high-skilled and high-paying jobs because most companies would rather hire individuals from Third World countries who have the same skills as those found in the U.S. but the cost of labor will be cheaper. Since outsourcing means fewer jobs for the Americans, it means that the unemployed sector of the U.S. will not have the capacity to spend. If they do not have the purchasing power, then those who produce the goods will not earn too (Saleem, 2008). Proponents of outsourcing however say that outsourcing is necessary for the productivity and competitiveness of the U.S. economy since the companies realize cost savings from hiring people at lower rates. (Elstrom, 2007). c. Is there a difference between the transference of high-paying white-collar jobs, such as computer programming and accounting, to developing nations and low-paying blue-collar jobs? If so, what is the difference, and should government do anything to stop the flow of white-collar jobs out of the country to countries such as India? There is not much difference between the transference to

Making Meaning- English Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Making Meaning- English Language - Essay Example ognitive approaches are more apposite to trace the crucial but slight changes in the notions of a word and therefore, all-embracing to encapsulate maximum circumference of the meaning. Cognitive approaches always consider a language as a living object that ultimately yields relative meaning in relation to its environments and context. Therefore semantic interpretation is to be explained from the reality of an object and how â€Å"the human brain processes the information it receives by using a series of very specific cognitive mechanisms† (Jaen 2). Indeed there have been many studies and theories on Semantics or the study of the meaning of words and structures. The concept of the ‘signifier’ and the ‘signified’ forms the basis of the derivation of meaning for each words or structures. The fact that a single signifier can have one or many signified adds to the complexity of the process of meaning derivation. Some studies have proved that there is a clo se relation between the sound pattern and the linguistic pattern of a given word or structure. There are linguists who argue that the meaning of a word is closely related to the perception level or the cognitive level of understanding and experiences of the hearer. The prototype theory holds that the process of attributing meaning to a given word or structure is â€Å"principled and depends on the ‘real world attributes’ of what is perceived, and also upon the characteristics of the perceptual apparatus itself† (Johnson 12). One needs to differentiate and contrast the attributes of the perceived images with the other images to make this process of meaning derivation. In fact, the prototypes (‘the most representative members of a category’) is linked with the cultural models that shape one’s perceptions and knowledge representation and therefore each perceived image or experience â€Å"serve as prototypes for understanding real-world experiences† (Holland and Quinn 22). The authors hold that there is a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

McDonalds customer service and training model Essay

McDonalds customer service and training model - Essay Example McDonalds have become the byword of fast food industry in the world today. "The company began in 1940 with a restaurant opened by siblings Dick and Mac McDonald, but it was their introduction of the "Speedee Service System" in 1948 that established the principles of the fast-food restaurant." Unlike usual restaurants, fast food joints have their own pertinent and unbreakable rules. These rules and policies are usually made by the top management and are interpreted and enforced by the Store Manager. Like any other chain businesses, McDonalds too are centrally managed. All the policies and rules are made centrally and the branches and franchises are simply expected to follow them. The least requirement of fast food business is that it has to maintain very high level of service and efficiency throughout to every customer and it should be of unquestionable quality. In addition, cleanliness and safety standards are exceptionally important. Fast food joints manage this through proactive floor control. Rest of all decisions are made by the centre of the organisation, and most of the decisions are foreseen, expected and already clarified. There are a certain differences between the regular res... More stringent and immediate financial control is maintained over the fast foods as money moves fast in these joints owing to brisk business. It is also true that careful and meticulous control at the spot is impossible in places like McDonalds and as such, accounting should be frequent. They cannot afford to wait for the monthly balance sheet. Profit and loss are controlled by accurate inventory aided by the frequent statistical reports and many other systems like ordering of replenishments on time and much in advance, manpower scheduling for the entire month and sticking to it, and urgent building maintenance, maintenance of supporting machinery, including that could be necessary at a later date. The entire concept of fast foods is that of a 'man in a hurry' as they are catering to men in proverbial hurry. So, equal forethought and time slots are allotted to administrative work, documentation, recruitee training, wage reviews, performance reviews and disciplinary actions and awards , pecuniary or otherwise. Efficiency is linked with the increase in the pace of life, according to Ritzer. It is beneficial for consumers and workers both, as more customers get served and profits are increased. "But as is the case with rationalization in general, and each of its dimensions, irrationalities such as surprising inefficiencies and the dehumanisation of workers and customers, emerge from the drive for increased efficiency," (Ritzer, 2000, p.40). According to him, fast food restaurant 'has helped turn efficiency into an increasingly universal reality'. Ritzer argues that because of the fastness of the food, 'the emphasis on quantity tends to affect adversely the quality of both the process and the result'. For customers eating on the run

Monday, July 22, 2019

Thousand Splendid Suns Summary Essay Example for Free

Thousand Splendid Suns Summary Essay The novel centers around the friendship between Mariam and Laila. It is split into four parts, with a focus on Mariam in the first part, continuing Laila in the second and fourth, and the relationship between the two women in the third part. Mariam lives in a kolba on the outskirts of Herat with her embittered mother. Jalil, her father, is a wealthy man who lives in town with three wives and nine children. Because Mariam is his illegitimate daughter, she cannot live with them, but Jalil visits her every Thursday. On her fifteenth birthday, Mariam wants her father to take her to see Pinocchio at his movie theater. When he does not show up, she hikes into town and goes to his house. He refuses to see her, and she ends up sleeping on the porch. In the morning, Mariam returns home to find that her mother has committed suicide out of fear that her daughter has deserted her. Mariam is then taken to live in her fathers house. Jalil arranges for her to be married to Rasheed, a shoemaker from Kabul who is thirty years her senior. In Kabul, Mariam becomes pregnant seven successive times, but is never able to carry a child to term, and Rasheed gradually becomes more abusive. A girl named Laila and a boy named Tariq, who are close friends and aware of social boundaries, live in the same neighborhood. War comes to Afghanistan, and Kabul is bombarded by rocket attacks. Tariqs family decides to leave the city, and the emotional farewell between Laila and Tariq ends with them making love. Lailas family also decides to leave Kabul, but as they are packing a rocket destroys the house, kills her parents, and severely injures Laila. Laila is taken in by Rasheed and Mariam. After recovering from her injuries, Laila discovers that she is pregnant with Tariqs child. After learning that Tariq is dead, she agrees to marry Rasheed, who is eager to have a young and attractive second wife, and hopes to have a child with her. When Laila gives birth to a daughter, Aziza, Rasheed is displeased and suspicious, and he soon becomes abusive toward Laila. Mariam and Laila eventually become confidantes and best friends. They plan to run away from Rasheed and leave Kabul, but they are caught at the bus station. Rasheed beats them and deprives them of water for several days, almost killing Aziza. A few years later, Laila gives birth to Zalmai, Rasheeds son. The Taliban has risen to power, and there is a drought, and living conditions in Kabul become poor. Rasheeds workshop burns down, and he is forced to take jobs for which he is ill-suited. Rasheed sends Aziza to an orphanage. Then one day, Tariq appears outside the house. He and Laila are reunited, and their passions flare anew. When Rasheed returns home from work, Zalmai tells his father about the visitor. Rasheed starts to savagely beat Laila. He nearly strangles her, but Mariam intervenes and kills Rasheed with a shovel. Afterwards, Mariam confesses to killing Rasheed, in order to draw attention away from Laila and Tariq, and is executed, while Laila and Tariq leave for Pakistan with Aziza and Zalmai. After the fall of the Taliban, Laila and Tariq return to Afghanistan. They stop in the village where Mariam was raised, and discover a package that Mariams father left behind for her: a videotape of Pinocchio, a small pile of money and a letter. Laila reads the letter and discovers that Jalil regretted sending Mariam away. Laila and Tariq return to Kabul and fix up the orphanage, where Laila starts working as a teacher. Laila is pregnant with her third child, and if it is a girl, Laila has already named her.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Thomas Hobbes And Francis Bacon In English History History Essay

Thomas Hobbes And Francis Bacon In English History History Essay Considered one of the most turbulent times in English History, The 17th Century could actually be looked at as an age of tremendous intellectual and economic advancement in Great Britain. Despite friction over issues of religion and church and state domestically, the British population grew and its economy prospered. Commerce expanded throughout the globe as Great Britain successfully developed and extended trade and business. Some of historys most famous minds were both a part, and a product of Great Britains transition from an age of faith to one of reason. Thomas Hobbes was one of those famous minds and is now thought of as one of historys greatest natural law philosophers. ( Thomas Hobbs was born in England in April of 1588. He was reportedly born prematurely due his mothers fear of the news of the approaching Spanish Armada. Hobbes was the second son of a local clergyman, but his father never played a role in his life. There are varying accounts as to why his father abandoned the family in Hobbes youth, but he was nevertheless raised by a well-to-do uncle who supported his education and development. Hobbs started his schooling at 15 entering Magdalen College, Oxford, yet initially focused more attention on maps and charts. He graduated at 19 and soon served as private tutor to William Cavendish, a wealthy boy not much younger than Hobbes who later became the 2nd Earl of Devonshire. As Cavendishs tutor, Hobbes had the opportunity to travel and tutored Cavendish and his brother on the European Continent for several years. It was during this time that Hobbes broadened not only his world view, but more importantly his philosophical views. He studied the cla ssics and developed and increasing interest in politics and history. ( Hobbes association with the Cavendish family afforded him number of resources which probably played a large part in developing his scholarly pursuits. As a scholar, Hobbes first major work was a translation of Greek historian Thucydides History of the Peloponnesian Wars, in 1629. Hobbes indicated that he translated History of the Peloponnesian Wars during a period of civil unrest to remind political leaders of his day that the ancient scholars thought democracy to be the least effective form of government. Thucydides work represented that understanding the past was important in determining the proper course of action. Regarding Thucydides great History of the Peloponnesian Wars: Hobbes stated, For the principal and proper work of history being to instruct, and enable men by the knowledge of actions past to bear themselves prudently in the present and providently in the future, there is not extent any other (merely human) that doth more fully and naturally perform it ( In Hobbess view, one of the most significant intellectual events of his life occurred when he was forty when he stumbled upon a copy of Euclids geometry. His second work, A Short Treatise on First Principles, expressed his deep interest in the study of geometry. Hobbes went on to continue his travels throughout Europe and spent time with many of the most influential minds of his time. In France, he met with Mersenne and members of the scientific community including Gassendi and Descartes. In Italy, he spent time with Galileo. In order to escape the civil unrest in England, Hobbes spent the next eleven years in France and taught Mathematics to Charles, Prince of Wales. It was in the 1640s that Hobbes developed plans for future philosophical work. As Civil War was imminent in England, he was Inspired to write on issues related to society and published De Cive in Paris in 1642. Hobbes later published the same work in English under the title Philosophical Rudiments concerning Government and Society as the Commonwealth took hold of the government. The book was highly contentious as both sides of the civil war criticized its views. ( In light of the developments in Paris, Hobbes feared France was no longer a safe haven for the English court in exile and returned to England in 1651. Upon his return he published one of his most famous works, Leviathan. In Leviathan, Hobbes contends that all human acts are self-serving, even if they appear to be altruistic, and that in a natural state which lacks the organization of government, human beings would act in a completely selfish manner. Hobbes believes that humans are basically equal from mental and physical perspectives and are therefore naturally likely to compete amongst one another ultimately resulting in conflict. He believed that democracy would inevitably fail because people are solely motivated by self-interest and that humans desire for power and wealth would only result in conflict of humans amongst themselves. Hobbes perspective was that governments were responsible for protecting the people from their own selfish nature. In Hobbes view, government would have power similar to that of a sea monster, or leviathan and saw a king as a necessary figure of authority. (Clarendon) Widely considered as one of the 17th centurys most influential natural law philosophers, Thomas Hobbes had a significant impact on British social, economic and political theory. Hobbes developed status in a variety of studies and shaped intellectual philosophy until this day. He was known as a scientist, as a mathematician, as a translator of the classics, as a writer on law, as a disputant in metaphysics and epistemology; not least, he became notorious for his writings and disputes on religious questions. ( However, it is as a result of his writings on politics and morality that he has been eternally remembered. Several of Hobbes many works were never published during his lifetime, among the titles that remained unpublished is: the tract on Heresy, and Behemoth: the History of the Causes of the Civil Wars of England, among others. Hobbes outlived many of his contemporaries and continued to write completing his autobiography when he was eighty-four years old. He finished Latin translations of the Iliad and the Odyssey in his final years, and in 1675 he left London to live with the Cavendish family in Derbyshire until his death at Hardwick on December 4, 1679. ( 200px-Thomas_Hobbes_(portrait).jpg bacon.jpg Hobbes wasnt the only great philosopher to come out of the Elizabethan Age; Sir Francis Bacon was another leading natural philosopher during the period. Bacon was statesman, a lawyer, and Member of Parliament. His writings included subjects regarding questions of law, politics, and church and state. He also wrote on issues on which questioned societal and ethical norms in some of his most famous writings such as Essays or in his primary work on natural philosophy, The Advancement of Learning. ( Francis Bacon was the son of Nicolas Bacon, the Lord Keeper of the Seal of Elisabeth I. He enrolled at Trinity College Cambridge at the age 12 and at an early stage of his development began to reject the common philosophical thought of the day which was generally based on Aristotelianism and Scholasticism. Bacons father passed when he was only 18, and as the youngest son he was left with very little financial means. Although Bacon is said to have had rich relatives, he received little assistance, yet he pursued studies in law and had became a member of the House of Commons by 23. ( Bacon went on to publish Essays, Colours of Good and Evil, and Meditationes Sacrae in 1597. After Queen Elizabeth 1st death and the rise of James I in 1603, Bacons political career began to grow. He was knighted in 1603 and several honors followed: Solicitor General in 1604, Attorney General in 1613, Lord Chancellor in 1618, Baron Verulam in 1618, and Viscount St. Albans in 1621. ( Under King James, Bacon was appointed to a number of posts, and like his father, was eventually given the title of Keeper of the Great Seal. He was unfortunately caught in the middle of a power struggle between the King and Parliament which resulted in Bacon having to forfeit his political status, honor, and much of his personal wealth. ( Only 5 days five days after he had been given the Viscount St. Albans title, he was accused of bribery in 1621. Bacon admitted to the charges and was subsequently banished from the court and received fines. Bacon never paid the fines, but his sentence was reduced and he was only confined to punishment in the tower for four days. Although the sentence had been reduced he would never again be able to hold political office for the rest of his life. Bacon later published Novum Organum, or True Directions Concerning the Interpretation of Nature. In this work Bacon suggested that it was time to let go of Aristotelian ideas and in doing so helped to establish the foundations for modern science and philosophy. Following his dismissal from the court, four additional books followed: Historia Ventorum, Historia Vitae et Mortis Augmentis Scientiarum and Apothegms. Some reports indicated that that Bacon assisted in editing the King James Bible, but that remains subject to debate until this day. There are groups that support, as well as dispute this claim, with equal numbers on either side of the debate. ( Bacons contribution to contemporary thought focused greatly on the relationship between science and social philosophy. In Bacons view knowledge is power and that an expansion of knowledge and learning among individuals can help to offset many of societal issues. Many people in his time considered Bacon a genius. His work, which attempted to encompass the three realms of natural, human and divine existence, has had a significant impact on the study of history, law and philosophy. ( In1626, Bacon attempted to test the impact of the cold on the decay of meat. In experimenting with stuffing a chicken with snow, he fell ill, developed pneumonia, and died on April 9th, 1626.

Human Resource Planning and Development: Tesco

Human Resource Planning and Development: Tesco Introduction of Tesco Jack Cohen founded Tesco in 1919 when he began to sell surplus groceries from a stall in the east end on London. The Tesco brand first appeared in 1924. Jack Cohen made new label using the first three letters of suppliers name (TES) and the first tow letter of his surname (Co), forming the word TESCO. The first Tesco store was opened in 1992 in Burnt oak, Edgware, Middlesex. Tesco was floated in London stock exchange in 1947 as Tesco Stores (Holding) Limited. The first self service store opened in St. Albans in 1951 and the first supermarket in Maldon in 1956. Tesco is one of the worlds leading international retailers. Nowadays it deals in different sectors like telecom, online services, clothing, insurance, electronics, fuel etc, but the principal activity of the Tesco group is food retailing and it has over 2,500 stores worldwide. Tesco is public owned company its major shareholders as of 2004 were [1] Barclays Global Investors (3.82%) Legal and general (2.79%) Schroder investment Mgt Ltd (2.87%) State street global Advisors (2.73%) Axa Investment Manager (2.63%) Threadneedle Investments (2.63%) Scottish windows (2.08%) M G Investment Mgt Ltd (1.99%) Morley fund Management (1.88%) USB Global Asset Company Profile It is one of the biggest retailer companies in the world which has 702 stores in UK and employee 240,000 people. It originally caters in food but expanded it scope of services to clothing, finance services, electronic, etc. Company strategy is to focus on long term business. Tesco start self service supermarket in US in 1930s. After 20 years Tesco has become a familiar name not only for groceries but also for fresh food, clothing and hundreds of household goods in 1940s. Tesco has built its 100th superstore by 1985 and in 1987. By 1991 the success of its petrol filling station earned for the company Britishs biggest independent petrol retailer. It broke new level in food retailer in 1995 the first customer loyalty card, which offer benefit to regular customer and other different kinds of offers was given to customer like Tesco Baby club for new parents. Tesco acquire the HIT chain of hypermarkets in Poland in July 2002. By the end of 2002/2003 Tesco had 45 percent of its space overseas. Tesco has developed various kinds of Tesco stores like Tesco Extra, Metro Tesco, and Tesco Express. The grocery store is also offer club card for the customer from which a significant 80% of the sales are transacted.after certain points Tesco gives voucher to the customer to met with a similar success as over a billion vouchers are already given away. The market share is now 16.2%. Tesco operate 4 store formats in the UK. Introduction to Human Resource Management Human resources are the people that work for an organisation, and Human Resource Management is concerned with how these people are managed. However, the term Human Resource Management (HRM) has come to mean more than this because people are different from the other resources that work for an organisation. People have thoughts and feelings, aspirations and needs. The term HRM has thus come to refer to an approach, which takes into account: The need of organization The need of its people Different individuals have their own needs and aspirations. HRM therefore involves finding out about the needs and aspirations of individual employees, for example through the appraisal process and then creating the opportunities within the organisation (e.g. through job enlargement) and outside the organisation for employees to improve themselves. HRM therefore relates to every aspect of the way in which the organisation interacts with its people, e.g. by providing training and development opportunities, appraisal to find out about individual needs, training and development needs analysis, etc. Three key activities of HRM in TESCO Manpower planning: Planning staff levels requires that an assessment of present and future needs of the organization be compared with present resources and future predicted resources. Appropriate steps then be planned to bring demand and supply into balance. Thus the first step is to take a rough sketch of the existing workforce profile (number, skills, ages etc) of existing employees and then audit for 1,3 and 10 years ahead by amendments for normal turnover, planned staff movements, retirements etc in line with the business plan for the corresponding time frames. What future demands will be is only influenced in part by the forecast of the personnel manager, whose main task may well be to scrutinize and modify the crude predictions of other managers. Future staff needs will derive from: Sales and production forecasts The effects of technological change on task needs Variations in the efficiency, productivity, flexibility of labour as a result of training, work study, organizational change, new motivations, etc. Changes in employment practice Variation which respond to new legislation, eg. Payroll taxes or their abolition, new health and safety requirements Changes in government policies. What should emerge from this blue sky gazing is a thought out and logical staffing demand schedule for varying dates in the future which can then be compared with the crude supply schedules. The comparisons will then indicates what steps must be taken to achieve a balance. That in turn will involve the further planning of such recruitment, training, retraining and labour reductions or change in workforce utilization as will bring supply and demand into equilibrium, not just as a one off but as a continuing workforce planning exercise the inputs to which will need constant varying to reflect actual as against predicted experience on the supply side and changes in production actually achieved as against forecast on the demand side. Recruitment and selection: The overall aim of the recruitment and selection process should be to obtain at minimum cost the number and quality of employees required to satisfy the human resource needs of Tesco. The three stages of recruitment and selections are Defining recruitments Attracting candidates Selecting candidates The number and categories of people required should be specified in the recruitment programme, which is derived from human resource plan. In addition there will be demands for replacements or for new jobs to be filled, and these demands should be checked to ensure that they are justified. It may be particularly necessary to check on the need for a replacement of the level of type of employee that is specified. These provide the basic information required to draft advertisements, brief agencies or recruitment consultants, and assess candidates. A role profile listing competences skill, educational and experience requirements produces the job criteria against which candidates will be assessed at the interview of by means of psychological tests. Attracting candidates: Attracting candidates is primarily a matter of identifying, evaluating and using the most appropriate sources of applicants. However in cases where difficulties in attracting or retaining candidates are being met or anticipated, it may be necessary to carry out a preliminary study of the factors that are likely to attract or repel candidates the strengths and weakness of the organization as an employer. Advertising is the most obvious method of attracting candidates. Tesco basically advertise its vacancy on its web site. This means looking at the alternative sources mentioned above and confirming preferably on the basis of experience, that they will not do. Consideration should be given as to whether it might be better to use an agency of a selection consultant. When making the choice, refer to the three criteria of cost, speed and the likelihood of providing good candidates. The objectives of an advertisement should be to attract attention, create and maintain interest and stimulate action. Employee Motivation: Tesco employees are encouraged to ask themselves strategic questions in order to assess their skills and ability to progress. Employee motivation is important for the organisation. It is one of the basic activities needed for the smooth running of an organization. To retain good staff and to encourage them to give of their best while at work requires attention to the financial and psychological and even physiological rewards offered by the organization as a continuous exercise. Basic financial rewards and conditions of services are determined externally in many occupations but as much as 50 % of the gross pay of manual workers is often the result of local negotiations and details of conditions of services are often more important than the basics. Hence there is scope for financial and other motivations to be used at local levels. As staff needs vary will vary with productivity of the workforce so good personnel policies are desirable. The latter can depends upon Other factor but unless the wage packet is accepted as fair and just there will be no motivation. Following are the motivation techniques Celebrating annual holidays: the regular celebration of annual events help form the company culture, the environment you provide for people at work. Tesco gives pay holiday for its employee which will motivate its employee. If the workers are involved in creative work by which they share their ideas and culture with each other which helps keep the culture of an organization well. Tesco provides different kinds of bonuses and voucher to its employee which helps to motivate them. Ranking the workers and giving them the rewards which help employee to spend all their time at work place and company gain good profit from this. Providing benefit, medical treatment and basic requirement facilities to the workers motivate workers to give good output to an organization Human Resource Management Models of Tesco: This company has introduced a high commitment model which offers training and development to all employees. They have developed their culture through extending their logo every little helps to prove commitment. This organisation was chosen, through their introduction of strategies which has led to an increase in business. This has demonstrated they are a first class provider of training to their employments, and has given opportunity to expand into new markets. The matching Model The early HRM model developed by Fombrun emphasizes the interrelatedness and the coherence of human resource management activities. The human resource management cycle in their model consist of four constituent components: Selection, appraisal, development and reward these four human resource activities aim to increase organizational performance. Rewards Performance Performance Management Selection Human Resource Development This model also ignores different stakeholder interests, situational factors and the notion of managements strategies choice. The strength of the model however is that it express the coherence of internal HRM polices and the importance of matching internal HRM policies and practices to the organizations external business strategy. The HRM cycle is also a simple model that serves as a pedagogical framework for explaining the nature and significance of key HR practices and the interactions among the factors making up the complex fields of human resource management. As we progress through the book, we will refer to the HRM cycle to explain the relationship of each individual HRM function to other HRM practices. The Harvard model of HRM The analytical framework of the Harvard model offered by Beet consists of six basic components: Situational factors Stakeholder interests Human resource management policy choices HR outcomes Long-term consequences A feedback loop through which the outputs flow directly into the organization and to the stakeholders The situational factors influence managements choice of HR strategy. This normative model incorporates workforce characteristics, management philosophy, labour market regulations, societal values and patterns of unionization, and suggests a meshing of both product market and socio-cultural . The framework is based on the belief that the problems of historical personnel management can only be solved when general managers develop a viewpoint of how they wish to see employees involved in and developed by the enterprise, and of what HRM policies and practices may achieve those goals. Without either a central philosophy or a strategic vision- which can be provided only by general manager- HRM is likely to remain a set of independent activities, each guided by its own practice tradition. Beer and his colleagues believed that today many pressures are demanding a broader, more comprehensive and more strategic perspective with regard to the organizations human resources. These pressures have created a need for a longer- term perspective in managing people and consideration of people as potential assets rather than merely a variable cost. They were the first to underline the HRM tenet that HRM belongs to line managers. They also state that Human resource management involves all management decisions and action that affect the nature of the relationship between the organization and its employees- its human resources. They suggest two characteristic features one is line managers accept more responsibility for ensuring the alignment of competitive policies that govern how personnel activities are developed and implemented in ways that make them more mutually reinforcing. Human Resource Planning and Development for Tesco Every organisation has its own HR planning and development process under consideration. Human resource planning is indeed concerned with broader issues about the employment of people than the traditional qualitative approaches of manpower planning. Appraisal of HR Planning Training and Development Programme Selection Process Recruitment Plan Determine Job Requirement Work Study Demand forecasting Inventory of HR skills (Findings Gaps) Objective of HR Planning Fig: The Process of Human Resource Planning Objectives of Manpower Planning:- The persons concerned with manpower planning must be clear about goals of manpower planning because once the wrong forecast of future requirement of human resources are made, it may not be possible to rectify the errors in short-run. Inventory of Skills: Assessment of demand for operating personnel presents less problems of uncertainty current manpower supply can be adjusted accordingly. But for supervisory and managerial levels projection is complex problem because required talents are not available at a short notice. This will also help in drawing recruitment development plans to meet the needs of certain skills future. Demand Forecasting: A proper forecast of manpower required in future say, after one year, two years so on must be attempted. The factors relevant for manpower forecasting are as follows. (i) Employment Trends: Manpower planning committee examine number of employees on pay roll during past 5 year to know trend within each group to determine whether particular group has been stable or unstable. (ii) Replacement Needs: if staffs leave the job due to death, retirement, resignation termination of employees. It may relate to supervisory, skilled, clerical groups and must be anticipated in advance. In this case the HR planner set a develop plan to replace staff. (iii) Productivity: Gain in productivity will also influence requirements of manpower. Planning for productivity has several aspects. The first aspect relates to effective utilisation of manpower. The second aspect relates to installation of more productive tools, equipments. The last aspect relates to matching of skills with requirements of jobs. (v) Absenteeism: Means a situation when a person fails to come for work when he is scheduled to work. Due to absenteeism work get upset leading to overtime work which in turn leads to increased cost of production. The management should go into cause of absenteeism attempt to reduce absentism as far as possible. (vi) Work Study: Can be used when it is possible to apply work measurement to know how long operations should take amount of labour required. This is also known as workload analysis. Job Requirements: Job assessment is done to find out the requirements of the worker, like if employee needs any help from the managerial side, if they need any type of benefits and support from other. If they need to transfer form one department to another, whether the number of staff is low or high and so on. Employment Plans: This phase deals with planning how organisation can obtain required number of right type of personnel as reflected by personnel forecasts. Training Development Programme: Training is essential not only for new employees but also for old employees for improving their performance. Similarly executive development programmes have to be devised for development of managerial personnel. The talent of employees are not fully productive without a systematic programme of training development. Appraisal of Manpower Planning: After training programmes have been implemented, an appraisal must be made of effectiveness of manpower planning. Deficiencies in programs should be pointed out catalogue of manpower inventory should be updated periodically. Connective actions should also be taken whenever it is necessary to remove deficiencies in manpower planning. Evaluation of HRM planning and development methods of Tesco According to the method described is one of the best methods for HR planning and development method. By following the above method an HR department of an organization is good at organizing the manpower. It covers the methods form the beginning of the recruitment process to management level. It first evaluate whether the employee is needed or not then after is set up a plan for the recruitment process and goes on to the recruitment process. After that it analyse whether employee needs any training, transfer, motivation etc. So this method is effective development method. Performance Appraisal Tesco measures the abilities of its employees to check it has the correct skills for the future. After reviewing and career discussion if staffs need training then they can apply for training. Tesco mainly focus on three things Customer, working with other and own behaviour. This will help to select the leader. Decision is taken for giving training or promoting the staff according to the performance audit of the employee. In this step job performance of an employee is evaluated typically by the corresponding manager or supervisor. A performance appraisal is a part of a guiding and managing career development. It is the process of analysing, obtaining and recording information about the relative worth of an employee to the organization. It is also the judgement of an employees performance in a job based on considerations other then productivity alone. There is the long process of evaluating the performance of an employees in Tesco. Managerial team prepare an appraisal sheet where individual employee fills in the form in monthly basis. Which includes the feedback on performance of the employee and then manager analyse the sheet collected from different employee and identify whether training is needed and document the criteria used to allocate organizational reward. It also analyse the personal evaluation and decide whether to improve salary, promotion, disciplinary action, bonus etc. It also provides opportunity for organization to diagnosis and develops in facility provided to the communication facilities between employee and administration. Its main aim is to provide performance through counselling, coaching and development of organization. Methods of Performance Appraisal: A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or scalar rating system whereby managers are asked to score an individual against a number of objectives. In some companies, employees receive assessment from their manager, subordinates and customers while also performing a self assessment. Establishing performance standards: setting up of the stanandards which will be used to as the base to compare the actual performance of the employees. This step requires setting the criteria to judge the peroformance of the employee as succesful or unsuccesful and the degees of theri comtrubution to the organizational goal and objectives. The standards set should be clear, easily understandable and in measurable terms. In case the performance of the employee cannot mesasured, great care should be taken to describe the standards. Establishing performance standards Communicating standards and expectations Measuring the actual performance Comparing with standards Discussing Results Decision making-taking corrective actions Communicating the standards: Once set, it is the responsibility of the management to communicate the standards to all the employees of the organization. The employees should be informed and the standards should be clearly expained. This will help them to understand their roles and to know what exactly is expected form them. The standards should also be communicated to the appraisers or the evaluators and if required, the standards can also be modified at this stage itself according to the relevant feedback from the employees or the evaluators. Measuring the aperformance: it is difficult to measur the work done by the employees during the specified period of time. It is a continuous process which involves monitoring the performance throught the year. This stage requires the careful selection of the appropriate techniques of measurement, taking care that personal bias does not affect the outcome of the process and providing assistance rather than interfaceing in an employees work. Comparing the actula with desired performance: the comparision tells the deviations in the performance of teh employees from the standard set. The result can show the actual performance being more than the desired performance or the actual performance being less than the desired performance depiciting a negative deviation in the organizational perofrmane. It includes recalling, evaluating and analysis of data related to the employees performance. The result of the appraisal is communicated and discussed with the employees on one to one basis. The focus of this discussion is on communication and listening. The results, the problems and the possible solutions are discussed with tha aim of problem solving and reaching conssensus. The feedback should be given with a positive attitude as this can have an effect on the employees future performance. The pressure of teh metting should be to solve the problem faced and motivate the employees to perform better. The last step of the process is to take decisions which can be taken either to improve the performance of the employees, takes the required corrctive actions, or the related HR decisions lile rewards, promotions, demotions, transfers etc. Conclusion: Tesco  is a succesful organization in UK. They have incresase market share and retails unit over the last five year. Their model of HR is strong and highly practiced and highly commited. Their main focus on the training issues and also on vital to the success of the organisation, without commitment, it would amount to a wsate of resources. The entire organisation is involven in training and is offered to all levels within the organisation.Give good training and development of its employees is necessary for Tesco to continue its work and sustain in the world as a world leading retailer. It uses same approach with both existing and new employees. This ensure the staff of this comapay have right skills to provide a strong base to support future growth of the business.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Malaysian Economy: Booming :: essays research papers

The Malaysian Economy: Booming The Economy: Following a period of severe and prolonged recession, the Malaysian economy has returned to growth aided by a relaxation of monetary and fiscal policies and by increased export demand, particularly in the electronics sector. While the world economic slowdown was more severe than expected and the unprecedented September 11 events in the United States had widespread implications for all economies, Malaysia was able to steer away from a major economic contraction and GDP growth for the year remained in positive territory. However, given the openness of its economy with trade accounting for about 200 percent of GDP, Malaysia was not spared from the negative effects of the United States economic slowdown. These effects came in the form of declining manufacturing production and negative export growth, particularly of electronics. Nevertheless, the government’s initiation of strong monetary and fiscal policies to stimulate economic growth through accelerating domestic economic activi ties and reducing the over-dependence on exports helped the nation to sustain a positive real GDP growth. Since 1998 the Government has relaxed the equity guidelines for investment in the manufacturing sector. Foreigners can now own 100% equity regardless of the level of exports and several incentives have also been introduced recently to promote the manufacturing-related services sector. Foreign Direct Investment has been the key to the country's remarkable success in recent years. Hundreds of international companies have so far established themselves in the country, attracted by the favorable investment environment has made Malaysia one of the world’s top locations for offshore manufacturing operations. Manufacturing is now the largest export sector of the economy (contributing around 34% of GDP and employing nearly 28% of the labor force in 2000). The electronics sector (radios and television) is the main export earner followed by processed foods, rubber, chemicals, timber, petroleum-refining and automobile manufacturing. In 2001, the impact of the slowdown in economic activity was also felt by the labor market, particularly in terms of unemployed workers in the manufacturing sector. However, given the flexibility accorded by the labor market, alternative measures that were adopted by employers (such as pay cuts and temporary layoffs) helped contain the number of workers unemployed. The Malaysian exchange rate remained pegged to the US dollar at the rate of RM3.80 per US dollar in 2001 (an arrangement that has been effective since 2 September 1998). The ‘Ringgit’ appreciated against all major currencies, including regional currencies in tandem with the strong U.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Selling The Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing Essay

Selling The Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing Book Review: Harry Beckwith is the founder of Beckwith Advertising and Marketing. He has worked with four of America’s best 100 service companies, nine Fortune 500 companies, and many smaller business and venture-capitalized start-ups. Beckwith divides the book into eleven main topics and ends it with a â€Å"summing up†. The book mainly talks about what the marketers need to know to sell their services. This book begins with the main problem of service marketing. It then suggests how to learn what you must improve, with examples of techniques that work. Later it talks about the service marketing fundamentals: defining what business you really are in and what people really are buying, positioning your service, understanding prospects and buying behavior, and communicating. Chapters are made in short format, they are intended to convey one point and free of jargon. The author summarizes the point in one sentence in boldface italics. Hints and tips cover the conventional four P’s of marketing, which are product, place, price and promotion, in an irreverent and iconoclastic manner, nothing is sacrosanct. The first part of the book is about how to get started. Here Beckwith emphasizes that the core of service marketing is the service itself. A company needs to make sure that they offer the best service quality before they spend more money on promoting the company. Beckwith says that a company needs to let their customers set the quality standard. Moreover, to stay in the competitive market, it is not enough for a company to just think how to do better in the future. They also have to think different. The services that they offer have to be different from their competitors. Beckwith says: â€Å"Create the possible service; don’t just create what the market needs or wants. Create what it would love.† A company needs to differentiate itself clearly from the other companies. Thus, since more company try to offer a service that meet the customer needs, we need to offer a service that can catch customer’s attention and a service that a customer would love. Part Two is about survey and research. For a company to be able to improve its services is by asking everyone about it, by doing a survey. However, to have a significant result from a survey, ... ...lue to any organization in which business relationships are less then desirable. Everything he suggests combines common sense with a sensitivity to others’ needs and interests. Indeed, almost everyone in almost any organization must constantly be â€Å"selling† various services to others within and beyond that organization. First, they must establish credibility, then trust, and finally obtain agreement to cooperate. Beckwith examines them with in business context however, in process suggest wide and deep implication relevant to all other areas of human experience. What I like about this book is the fact of how this book is being structured. It contains short anecdotes about how other services have effectively marketed themselves. This type of structure makes it easy and interesting to read. The book gave concrete examples of how others succeeded in marketing something that was not a product. The downside of this book is that it does not go into details. Aside from showing how other did it, the author rarely tells how to specifically apply it to your situation. However, in overall, I can say that it was an inspirational read. It gave me a whole new perspective about marketing.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Beer’s Law Lab Essay

Objective: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate that there is a linear relationship between the number of molecules that can absorb light present in a solution and the amount of light absorbed by a solution. This lab should prove that Beer’s law and the equation A=a x b x c, is a linear relationship. Procedure: The only deviations in the lab procedure was that the stock solution was made before arrival to the lab with 0.570 g of KMnO4 in 0.500 L. The diluted solutions and the Spec 20 were used as directed in the lab manual. The same cuvette was used each time to eliminate error. Cuvettes are all made differently and have a difference in how they measure. If a new cuvette was used each time, the data would be slightly off due to the possibility of each cuvette having different characteristics which affect the measurements in the Spec 20. Data Calculations: To find the molarity of the stock solution: *Note: Molarity is moles/ Liters so in the equation below the first half is finding the number of moles of KMnO4 and the second half is dividing the moles by the liters of the solution. Grams of KMnO4 x (1 mole / molar mass (158.04g)) / Liters of stock solution = molarity of Stock Solution 0.570g KMnO4 x (1 mole / 158.04g) / 0.500 Liters = 0.00721 M To find the molarity of solution #1: *Note: To find the molarity of the first solution, use the molarity found for the stock solution. Since 5.00 mL of the stock solution was used to make solution 1, multiply the molarity of the stock solution by 5.00 mL to get the moles of solution 1. Once the moles of solution 1 have been found, divide that by the liters of water that were added to solution 1. The 0.10000 L comes from the 100 mL volumetric flask the solution was made in. mL of stock solution x (moles of stock solution / liter) / total liters of solution 1 (volumetric flask) = M of solution 1 5.00 mL stock solution x (0.00721 moles / 1000mL ) / 0.10000 L = 0.000361 M To find the molarity of solution 2: *Note: To find the molarity of solution 2, follow the same steps for solution 1 except use 2.00 mL instead of 5.00 mL. The same steps are used due to solution 2 being diluted from the stock solution. mL of stock solution x (moles of stock solution / liter) / total Liters in solution 2(Volumetric flask) = M of solution 2 2.00 mL stock solution x (0.00721 moles / 1000 mL) / 0.10000L = 0.000144 M To find the molarity of solution 3: *Note: To find the molarity of the third solution the same procedure is followed as finding the molarity of the first solution, except you will be using the molarity of the first solution since solution three was made using the first solution. mL of solution 1 x ( moles of solution 1 / 1 L) /total liters in solution 3( volumetric flask) =M of solution 3 50.00mL solution 1 x (0.00721 moles / 1000 mL) / 0.10000 = 0.000181 M To find the molarity of solution 4: *Note: to find the molarity of the fourth solution follow the steps for finding the molarity of the third solution except use the molarity of solution 2 since solution 4 was made with 50.00 ml of solution 2. mL of solution 2 x ( moles of solution 2 / 1 L) /total liters in solution 4 (volumetric flask) = M of solution 4 50.00 mL solution 2 x (0.000144 moles / 1000 mL ) / 0.10000 L = 0.000072 M Table 1. The molar concentration, absorbance values, percent transmittance, average absorbance and transmittance values are shown in the table below. Solution # Molar Concentration Trial Absorbance % T Average Absorbance Average % T 1 0.00003605 M 1 0.821 15.1 0.814 15.3 2 0.811 15.4 3 0.811 15.5 2 0.0001442 M 1 0.324 47.4 0.325 47.3 2 0.326 47.2 3 0.324 47.4 3 0.0001805 M 1 0.388 40.9 0.402 39.6 2 0.406 39.2 3 0.413 38.7 4 0.000072 M 1 0.208 62 0.209 61.8 2 0.208 61.9 3 0.211 61.5 Figure 1. The figure below shows the absorbance vs. the molar concentration of KMnO4. To find the extinction coefficient: The extinction coefficient is found by A/bc = a. A/c is the slope of the line from figure 1. 3139.9/(mol/L) x 1.00 cm =a a= 3139.9 L * mol-1 * cm-1 Discussion and Conclusion: In this lab the equation of Beer’s law was proven to have a linear  relationship. The purpose was to show that molar concentration and absorbance are proportional to each other. This was proved through diluting solutions and using a spec 20 to determine the absorbance values. The solutions were diluted to give different molar concentrations and each concentration was placed in the spec 20. After creating a scatter plot it was obvious to see as the molar concentration increases the absorbance increases. This is because there are more particles present at higher molar concentrations and therefore more light will be absorbed by the particles present. There were many possible sources of error in this experiment. First, if one solution was diluted incorrectly all of the following solutions were diluted incorrectly since they came from the first incorrectly diluted solution. One of the solutions in the experiment could have been diluted wrong, causing all of the solutions to have incorrect dilutions and the calculated values, especially the extinction coefficient, to have incorrect values. Another source of error is that when diluting the solutions not all of the solution transfers were done exactly due to some of the solution being transferred was often left in the pipet. The drops left in the pipet after the transfer could make a difference in the actual molar concentration of each solution. The last source of error occurs from not placing the cuvette in the spec 20 at the same orientation. Although the same cuvette was used each trial, some carelessness may have resulted in the cuvette not being placed in the same orientation each time. Because the sides of the cuvette may be different the readings from the spec 20 may be off. The conclusion of the lab is that Beer’s Law equation is indeed linear, and the absorbance is proportional to the molar concentration. If this lab were preformed again the stock solution should be placed in the spec 20 machine and the absorbance should also be found. The measurements from the stock solution could have provided even more evidence to the conclusion. Overall though the lab was very successful in determining the relationship of the equation in Beer’s Law. Questions: 2. A larger cuvette diameter will produce a higher absorbance value. The diameter of the cuvette is the path length, or b, in the equation A = a x b x c. The larger the path length, the higher the absorbance will be because  you are multiplying a and c by a higher value. Also there is more particles present in a larger path length to absorb light. 3. To find the extinction coefficient the equation A/cb= a is used. A larger cuvette diameter, or path length, would result in a smaller extinction coefficient. The larger the number is on the bottom the smaller the value of the extinction coefficient. 4. Solution 4 probably has the greatest error because it was the last solution to be diluted. Any errors made in diluting a solution will carry through to the last solution diluted because the first solutions are used to dilute the latter solutions. For example if solution 1 is incorrectly diluted then solution 3 will be incorrectly diluted and then solution 4 will be incorrectly diluted.

Stefan’s Diaries: Bloodlust Preface

And the TV serial publication developed byKevin Williamson & Julie PlecTis now the very witching time of night,When churchyards yawn and booby hatch itself breathes outContagion to this foundation. Now could I drink hot bloodAnd do such bitter business as the dayWould quake to look on.Hamlet, William Shakespeare premissThe poets and philosophers I at one time loved had it wrong. expiry does not come to us all, nor does the transportation of time dim our memories and reduce our bodies to dust. Because era I was considered dead, and a headstone had been chip at with my name, in truth my life was exclusively beginning. It was as if Id been asleep these many years, slumbering in the darkest night, only to awake to a world that was brighter, wilder, more thrilling than Id ever imagined.The globe I used to know go along their lives, just as I once had, spending their finite days departure to the market, tending the fields, stealing secret kisses when the sun went down. They we re merely shadows to me now, no more square than the frightened squirrels and rabbits that scampered in the forest, barely aware of the world around them.But I was no shadow. I was wholeand resistant to their worst fear. I had conquered death. I was no fleeting visitor to the world. I was its master, and I had all of eternity to bend it to my will.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Atanarjuat: the Fast Runner Essay

The role of religion has been a major factor of e very(prenominal) purification for as long as anyone bathroom remember. The feeling of togetherness that comes with belonging to a host of people that believe in the like mentations and a central entity defines a soul and the way they see the world. Atanarjuat The unfaltering showtimeshows the impact of a true tenet on a clan of Eskimos in Igloolik, a liquidation ineasterly Arctic wilderness, at the dawn of the set-back millennium. An evil harassment was said to be following one member of the folks, Oki, because of his jealousy of Atanarjuat.The film follows the lives of these two men and the conflicts they give up as they grow older. It also focuses on the spiritual ideas that drive both Oki and Atanarjuat, and their opposite tribe members, to drastic actions. From the s closing curtain-off, the curse is infix into the film successfully, as it dish ups explain wherefore certain things happened to Atanarjuat and O ki. The curse was portrayed by a sound effect whenever a person was affected by it. Without that effect, the idea of the curse may non energise come across as well, and magnate even hold back been forgotten until the end.As well as the curse was portrayed, the close for it coming about was a office confusing for viewers who were not utilize to the language and style of the film. Years in the beginning the story of Atanarjuat and Oki, a shaman predicts that a curse will be brought on by Tulimaq. By no coincidence, tenting leader, Kumaglak, died in a duel and his rightful(prenominal) successor, Tulimaq, was passed everyplace and Sauri was given the title. Tulimaq does not expunge this well, accusing Sauri of constituent murder his father.Tulimaq becomes a laughing stock and cannot feed his wife and kids, Atanarjuat and Amaqjuaq, though he gets help from his friend, Panikpak, widow of Kumaglak. It was hard to understand what exactly caused the curse and why Tulimaq was the one burdened by it with the way the story was told. The quick scenes and unreadable dialogue were not exactly helping in telling this story, especially since it was from a culture that most viewers would not be familiar with. Overall, the film was effective in describing the actions and beliefs brought on by Tulimaqs curse.The power the idea that the curse is what causes the unceasing conflict between Atanarjuat and Oki is portrayed skillfully. In the beginning a tribe member, Qulitalik, is shown sledding the village in fear of the curse, only foretells to return if his sister, Panikpak, ever selected his help. This promise is so strong that, decades later, when Atanarjuat needs help hiding and defeating Oki, Qulitalik is the person that aids in ending the curse. This brings in the idea of allegiance to family and biotic community and shows that these were vital beliefs of the tribe.Another grimace of the film that greatly helped illustrate the richness of both the tribes beliefs and credit of the curse was symbolism. Throughout the film, certain symbols and emblematical gestures were used to show the tribes belief in a certain idea. Right before her husband dies, Panikpak witnesses a stone lamp fall and break in half, which foreshadowed the bad events that were to come. A walrus-tooth necklace was introduced in the beginning of the film as a divide of heirloom of Kumaglak. It was given to Sauri as a symbol of his peeled power as the new chief.Although it is just an object, it revealed the tribes reliance in what it represented because at the end of the film, once the necklace was returned to Tulimaqs spirit, its rightful owner, stay is brought back to the village. This film shows how greatly this tribe of Eskimos are effected by their beliefs and rituals, although the viewers may not be familiar with them. In the ethnography Never In Anger by Jean Briggs, she describes the difference in gender roles in Utku tribe. They were very similar to t hose of the tribe of Igloolik.The women were the caretakers, doing housework, tending to wight hides, looking after children, and cooking, enchantment the men fished, hunted, and built igloos as shelter. Each energise was separated during meals and women were submissive to men. This played an intrinsic part in the film, especially for the character, Puja. She did not seem to want to conform to the ideals of what women were say to do in the tribe, and was seen as inactive and spoiled. She also seemed to believe she could have much than one man, as men were allowed to have more than one wife, and challenged this idea when she seduces Atanarjuats brother, Amaqjuaq.The womens role in the village was a catalyst for certain actions taken by the males. For example, Atanarjuat and Oki had their first conflict over Atuat when she and Atanarjuat fell in love while she was betrothed to Oki. Oki goes after Atanarjuat once over again when Puja lies about his brother hitting her for no r eason, when in fact it was because she was caught cheating on her husband with him. Although women were not in outpouring of the actions of the tribe or important decisions of the tribe, it is shown that they do have importance in some other sense.They can influence the mens actions individually and in damage of the tribe as a whole. The film Atanarjuat The Fast Runner definitely has some aspects that need improvement for viewers who are not familiar with the Eskimo culture to understand. However, in terms of portraying the culture and beliefs, this film gives its listening something they can identify with. No offspring where they are from, they can sympathize with what believe in a supernatural popular opinion can make one do, and how family and community loyalty influences ones decisions.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

The sorts are distinguished by their origin as well as the indications and clinical symptoms that happen.Later on 1970, when oil price soured by 4 times; UK was tempted to invest in North Sea oil industry in Scotland.Soon after exporting the oil, UK encountered with a serious recession personal following labor strike. Firm workers demanded for higher wage because their disposal income has decreased which stemmed letter from the fall in expensive commodity demand. UK has become a net export of oil and worth Pound got appreciated.Dutch disease is merely arithmetic.The term of â€Å"Dutch disease† for the first time came in an article in The chief Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse.The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural valuable resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity how that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a rise in natural resource prices, foreign aid, and fo reign direct investment. The inflow of American treasures into Spain in 16th and gold discoveries in Australia in the 1850s are other two example of Dutch Disease diagnosis. By 1978, how this story repeated in Iran.

It normally contributes to a countrys currency appreciating in value.Russia is likely to be another innocent victim of this disease. Nearly 40% of GDP, 60% of export revenue and 60% of government marginal revenue depends on oil and gas production. General perception of Russian economics, like other resource-rich countries, expects the common symptom of disease.Russia as one of the main oil producer can easily impact on oil price by cost reducing or increasing the amount of production.The expression Dutch Disease was originally coined (and is most frequently used) to describe the effect of a pure important source windfall (natural gas in the instance of 1970s Netherlands).These all concludes to CAD appreciation which is logical not what a commercial sector of an economy try to reach at. Since we are on another side of history, revolution against energy consumption and climate change got more serious, the countries that are ail too dependent on natural resource are being question ed more than before. Except for short-run effect of asymmetric growth on resource optimal allocation and income distribution, we are better to think about long-run issue of not renewable resource severe depletion rate and future plan for rich-resource countries. 2.

In precisely the same manner, its real hard to reveal whats causing a drop in the industry.Increase in foreign currency 3. Foreign direct investment 4. Foreign aid 5. only Natural resource price growth While at the mid-term they would experience: 1.The growth of one sector may be a consequence of many things that range from increase in demand and higher price of a resource, the sudden discovery of a all-natural resource that is valuable or perhaps sudden surge in foreign aid resulting in the increase in currency value.Become a net import of manufactured goods 6. Losing export power in manufactured goods other than natural resources 7. Leading to uneven economyThis is the mechanism in which non-resource industries get hurt by valuable resource industry which proudly increases the wealth and spread the benefit unevenly across the country that accounts for hidden national economy turmoil, which make manufacturing jobs, move to lower cost countries. Canada logical and Oil Sand Feve r (3.

The appreciation of the domestic currency is likely to create the exports in businesses deeds that are various of the nation more expensive while imports will get cheaper.Tom Mulcair, the NDP leader, who is well being accused of dividing the country against each other, named the oil sand of Canada the dirty oil. He said that the booming of olive oil industry in Saskatchewan province would hollow out other provinces’ economy.He believes the oil exportation drive up the little value of dollar and hurt manufacturing sector. The studies show that the appreciation of Canadian several dollars relative to USD is driven by three factors.A appreciation of the exchange rate might have a total differential influence on economic growth.Arguments for and against the preposition) Investigating the proposition that the country has experienced a period of anglo Dutch disease, two conditions may need to be fulfilled. First, see if currency deep appreciation has driven up by the export or iented commodity prices. Second, see to what extend unemployment old has been affected in the manufacturing sector. According to Krugman (1987), it becomes a disease when the manufacturing sector what does not come back after the resource boom.

Competitiveness is lost by the country.(5. Government role to reduce the whole incident or mitigate the effect- foreign exchange intervention) â€Å"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. – Miguel de Cervantes pino Saavedra Under transparently and wisely management, if government can diversify the manufacturing and export sectors to reduce dependency on the booming public sector and make them less vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sudden drop in commodity prices and at the same time avoid dumping all export revenue in the economy and devote fund of energy revenue to enforce other part of the industry through privatization and restructuring, the economy would be more resilience and integrated.In countries with temporary resource discovery, many policymakers may want to protect the non-trade sectors through foreign exchange intervention that is, building up foreign exchange coronary reserve through the sale of domestic currency to keep the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency lower to insulate the economy in condition the extra wealth spend wisely and to lead to inflation.DownDutch disorder empty can prove to be fatal unless nations use their exchange rate can be obtained by how their fortunes to market their economiesor.Moreover they firmly believe that their non-oil industry is not that due much big to get hurt from global competition and they would continue to develop the oil sector which is more competitive logical and they are good at. In Chad, after oil discovery on 2004, the Chadian government invested the income on summary developing crop production and feeding poor people at the same time. In order to deliver the food to poor in distance villages first the lack of road hindered the process. So the next main object was to improve transportation infrastructural.

Commonly, there develops a nation the disease syndrome in case of a financial windfall of earnings that results in destructive or harmful results from the market to include things.There are twenty two policies how to spend the money. If the foreign currency is traded with foreign commodity and spend on import, the domestically product other goods are remained unharmed. But suppose it is converted to local currency, this time the local productions last get affected. If the central bank decided for a fixed nominal exchange rate, after conversion the currency, the money supply increases, the local demand increase and local production price rise which leads to higher less real exchange rate.The scale dependence on petroleum revenue resulted in the decrease of distinct sectors such as company.M. and J. P. Neary.

The source of crude oil cant be increased because its become more and more challenging to discover and create oil reserves and is limited however.†¢Coulombe, S. , R. Lamy and S. old Rogers (2007).Second, the petroleum sector infrastructure is in disrepair.htm †¢Ebrahim-zadeh, Christine (March 2003, Volume 40, Number 1). â€Å"Back to very Basics – Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely†. Finance and Development, A quarterly magazine of the IMF. IMF.